10 facts about MLM,
what you need to know before you decide
Have you had enough of glossy, clichéd, double-speak? Are you tired of all the tricks of pushy, unprofessional direct marketers?

Would you like the chance to clearly understand MLM once and for all?

Just the facts without any pressure.
10 facts about MLM,
what you need to know
before you decide
Have you had enough of glossy, clichéd, double-speak?
Are you tired of all the tricks of pushy, unprofessional direct marketers?

Szeretnéd megadni magadnak az esélyt, hogy egyszer és mindenkorra tisztán láss az MLM üzlettel kapcsolatban?

Just the facts without any pressure.

the author

László Kócsó has been networking for more than 10 years. He has given talks about network marketing on three continents and in twenty five countries. In the 25 year history of the company he represented, he was the quickest to reach the highest echelons of his field. At the time of writing this book he has a network of more than 100 thousand people worldwide.
László Kocsó


I believe that network marketing, as a business model, is a very effective system.
I believe that network marketing can be done differently to the way that so many have experienced.
I believe that this business model, combined with a decent company, can be an excellent way of creating wealth for many people.
I believe that network marketing can be learned. Most legitimate network marketing companies have training programs, through which new business builders arriving without experience can study and master the knowledge necessary to build a successful and professional network.
Above all, I believe that if someone reads this book with a truly open mind and puts aside their legitimately acquired prejudices, their opinion about the network marketing business model can change.
Additionally, I should add that I do not simply believe the aforementioned statements, but rather I know them to be true from my years of experience.
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why have I written this book?

There are a great many misunderstandings regarding network marketing.

Unfortunately, many companies have fraudulently used this business model and this is where so many misconceptions, justifiable prejudices and negative experiences have come from.

You can often see business builders, who relentlessly try to achieve results unprofessionally, misleading others with halftruths either intentionally or unintentionally all under the aegis of network marketing.

Now is the time to discuss the facts about network marketing and show this business model from another perspective so that those who are looking for a decent company, a decent product or a decent service can make the right decision.

I wish you luck with your open-minded, prejudice-free reading and with making the right decision.

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table of contents
1. How does MLM work? 13
2. The promise of a passive income 29
3. The product 43
4. The payment system 51
5. The company 61
6. The task 75
7. The biggest mistake 91
8. The MLM leader 107
9. This is a business 119
10. Advantages 133
You have a question?
Contact us at: info@10mlmfacts.com
You have a question? Contact us at: info@10mlmfacts.com
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